Disclaimer Policy

We really hope this website proves to be useful for you. However we would like to state that all the content and data mentioned in this website are for general purpose alone.

Coco Houseboats believe all the website contents and information in it to be accurate and true to the best of our knowledge. The information may vary or modified while updating the site without any prior notice.

  • While making the reservation, be careful and mention the accurate date and time of your arrival and duration of your stay. We won’t be liable for any misinformation or errors from your side.
  • Any changes in your plans must be informed in advance.
  • We are not liable for late arrival or check-in and we cannot compensate for the same at time for Check-out.
  • A/C facility will be provided only for a certain duration (mostly during night time) as per management’s order.
  • The food items in the menu may subject to change or vary, according to the availability of seasonal vegetables and fruits.
  • Rates are subject to change depending on the season.
  • You should inform beforehand about your food preferences (whether too spicy or if you are allergic to some food).
  • Please take utmost care of your belongings. Coco Houseboats will be not responsible for any kind of loss things or damage.